The team behind Chol1 is very important to us, they are the ones who constantly work to show the best of our brand, to offer the best service to our customers.
For this reason, we wanted to give you a space to present each one of us, share our points of view as industrial designer.
Manuel Rossel, Industrial Designer, 34 years, Hobbies; Cycling – Bodyboard
What is the project you are currently doing about?
A year ago at Chol1 we set out to replace centralized manufacturing with distributed manufacturing. Today, we are occupying this production model for 11 months, and packaging this experience in a methodology with which we hope to share with the community of designers who want to implement it. On the other hand, we are permanently designing new furniture that can be distributed with this model.
How do you think globalization has changed the way we design products?
I believe that globalization has been important in creating and strengthening global communities of people who come together from common interests, and as designers, we have been able to observe how in different territories, there are common problems, which are expressed in common habits, where design local can be a global solution.
Alazne Mediavilla, 22 years, Industrial Design Student,
Hobbies: travel and see new places with a good company.
What is the role of the designer within society?
From my point of view, the designer is a fundamental agent of change in the society we are living today, in a society where people full of empathy are needed who can put themselves in the shoes of the other to solve problems that afflict us, we are going constantly molding according to the events that surround us and thus be able to achieve a common good for all. It is an extremely versatile discipline that allows us to carry out multidisciplinary projects. I am glad to know that the role of the designer / designer is taking more prominence every day, that gives us more strength to fight for a better future for the designers who come.
What is the project you are currently doing about?
Currently, apart from being part of the Chol1 team, I am developing a project based on the use of organic waste thus generating a benefit for the community itself, based on the creation of a biomaterial made from waste organic fruits / vegetables allowing to see the problem from another point of view and thus see opportunities where everyone sees waste.
Nicolas Vidal, 23 years old,degree in industrial design, hobbies; I like to move on wheels, I skate and recently I changed my fixed gear bike and I liked it. I do tattoos and I really like to draw
What is the project you are currently doing about?
I do several at the same time, I think that sometimes that allows me to change the perspective easily, to be more versatile, lately I am helping Chol1 with the development of the methodology of their current model, so I can spread and help more people to manufacture in a distributed.
For my title I am developing a biobased material from the waste produced in the craft beer kitchen, I believe that we should stop considering waste as garbage if not as a by-product, thus giving things one more turn.
I am also organizing and professionalizing the topic of tattoos, I recently rented a space for it, I am doing my training, etc …
How do you think design can influence the current problems that we are going through as a society?
We have many problems, I think we are in a process of super strong change, people know that those who make decisions in the country and in the whole world do not consider anyone other than themselves and their close circle, the bubble in which have been raised does not represent society. Design in that sense has always been about that for me, making decisions based on needs, observing how people behave, what they do, and thinking about how I could improve the quality of life.
We are already witnessing creations by default and meaningless that only waste the few resources allocated, such as bicycle lanes built by people who have never mobilized by bicycle, instead of solving a problem, they trigger many more.
Design must consider people and their environment, for that much more is needed than just designers, working together and collaboratively will give much better results.
As designers we have the role of creating solutions to the problems that we find in our environment, starting from the place we are, and in this case distributed manufacturing gives us that small advantage of manufacturing in a network that can meet needs in different localities.
Ignacia Serrano, 22 years old, Student of Interior Design, Hobbies; trekking and hang out with friends
How do you think design can influence the current problems that we are going through as a society?
Within the daily life of the population there is an immense range of problems that affect society, design is a tool that seeks to solve these problems, seeking to improve the quality of life of the user. The designer is not only the one who brings the idea to the plan, but he is also the one who performs a background investigation, no matter the area involved, the designer must be aware of all the possible factors that may affect his project, thinking about it from his idea general, its ergonomic measures, its materiality. Designers are the ones who meet the needs of users and bring them to a material reality designed for those who are directed.